06 August 2008

Holly Hobbie

I have been exposed to many cultural aspects, items, and ideas on account of my upbringing amongst three women born in the '70s (my sisters). I played with other people's strawberry shortcake dolls,ruined Billy Idol and Duran Duran records, and indulged in my favorite pastime: rummaging through boxed belongings and stubborn drawers in a pink-carpeted attic for trinkets one, even two decades older than myself. Among Hello Kitty, Unicorns, Esprit, countless stickers and all kinds of junk, I also inherited Holly Hobbie, the 70's rag doll figure that wore cool patches and bonnets with braids. She was very Laura Ingalls Wilder (another personality discovered from raiding Mikki's carefully preserved Little House On the Prairie library), yet crafty and cool; someone who would actually look good in the Laura Ashley dresses that Lila brought me. I had two Holly Hobbie ragdolls, one I which drew on just a touch (I could be quite the vandal, I never met a Barbie I didn't want to succumb to my safety Fiskers!), and the other, in a red and orange plaid dress, looking very autumnal, like she had picked apples all day with her cat. I also found through some heavy rifling, a very well-preserved Holly Hobbie Barbie doll-esque figure, rubbery with soft, braidable hair. (Finding one of Mikki's dolls was like striking gold--they were always in mint condition!) We also have a cookbook, which I was flipping through this afternoon. The recipes are for comfort food, tried and true favorites like homemade hot cocoa, tomatoes soup and baked macaroni and cheese casserole. I've also slept many a night on vintage Holly Hobbie pillow cases! I think my sisters had more stuff, but they disappeared through time. I know Lila had a Holly Hobbie lunch box, and she made my mom pack her a lunch, so she wouldn't feel left out when she waited with my other two sisters at the bus stop (who actually were going to school--she wasn't).

wonder if thats' it?

Anyway, I like Holly Hobbie too, just not the foolish 21st century designs. My outfit today to see The Pineapple Express, (hands down the worst movie I've payed money to see all summer!), was vaguely inspired by her. Today I also found a Black Gryson for Target basket weave bag on sale for like $13, and its cuter than the new Botkier ones! Billy also bought me the Harper's Bazaar Fall/Winter Runway Report, which I must study before sleep tonight. Oh and my cold is on it's way out for sure, those Zicam Now and Later chews do work!!


These are my sisters!!

My Turn...




Tunic: Old F21
Shoes: Dr. Martin's
Socks: Random, found in drawer
Bow: Claire's (a fat girl store...)
Sweater: Stolen from Gayle R.



That cat isn't ours, but it loves me just the same.


Useful Holly Hobbie Links:

Holly's Wikipedia
Holly Artwork/scans
Holly on eBay

I am all for Pioneer Trends this fall! Lilia and I will give you Cholera if you play us on Oregon Trail!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

MJ- By far my favorite PMG post! It brought back a flood of HH memories- the lunchbox is close but not it- it was the first HH pic you posted. I also love Gale's sweater's appearance- When will we see the sisterhood and BH Revisited?