03 September 2008


It's at last my final semester as a college undergrad. This weekend, Lila and I were on the beach, discussing my reasons to be excited. One is the amazing course load, especially my fashion course. I am delighted to find that my first paper will be on a style icon of my choice(...and such icon may inspire a post...). Lilia and I also mused that I love getting dressed up for class, and feeling spiffy and smart in a great outfit helps my concentration and confidence. I know that I have been talking a lot about tights and sweaters and such, but fall clothes to sweat in on the first day of class is a no, when its eighty-five degrees out. Another no I have adapted ( partially hypocritically, I may add, as Lilia recollected me as a freshman trekking around in the snow in such footwear), is the donning of flip-flop foot wear off the beach and beyond the pool. They are unsightly with jeans, and ruin your floral sundress. They look cheap, like you couldn't be bothered to wear real shoes. I wore heels the first day and smugly suffered because I didn't want to be a typical "Old Navy flip-flop matched to Vera Bradley bag" girl. Oh, and I wanted to add that I nearly lost my Gucci wallet this past weekend and had a nervous breakdown on the phone with my bank company, not because I was worried someone might hack into my account and steal my pathetic stash of cash, but I was worried about the wallet itself. You could say I need my priorities straightened. Like right now, I really want to jump into my bed with a library copy of The Complete Persepolis, but I really should be reading my Abstract Expressionism book for NY Avant Garde...Oh how I'll miss my leisurely activities...

Dress: BCBG
Shoes: Betsy's, Bronx
Necklace: vintage
Belt: Mom
Feather: self-made
Bag: Marshall's, Thanks Betsy!

NOTE: my feet did hurt a little later in the day, but it was WORTH it!

Second Day! (Good Job, Mom! She's a camera newbie!)

Snobbery: Inherent
Dress: F21
(Do you think 'cause I shop there too much I'll stay 21 forever????)
Bow: Claire's
Bag: Marshall's
Feather Keychain: Made by me, doubles as a hair piece of course...


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