16 July 2008

Scarf Syndrome!

Well I'm back! And I had a swell time! The only angering aspect was that I had a stupid damn human biology test and had to study so I couldn't do my little "style" thing...These past two days, I have been integrating scarves in my wardrobe. The trendy, "hipster" look is to wear the scarf around the neck...like a golden retriever. I have done that many times myself, but I believe that the scarf as head-wear demands styling attention as it is often time dismissed or deemed either "too outrageous"(see Day 2) or "too casual"(see beach post!). Well, I am trying to prove these ideas incorrect. I am starting a ten-day "Scarf Scandal" during which I will wear head scarves in various ways, showing how they are easily integrated into everyday or special outfits. At the end, I think I'll do a little tutorial about headscarf tying. For instance, in the first look I just knotted a square scarf at the nape of my neck, and since the ends were so long, I kinda twisted them at tied them at the top of my head. In the second look, I used a long rectangular scarf which I folded and wrapped around my head, tying it into a voluminous bow at the side. (bows are in, have you noticed?) Rule of thumb: A Scarf can be printed on any fabric, but IS NEVER a paisley-bandanna print. Those aren't chic and should be reserved for the barn.

Scarf Scandal Day One

Scarf: Old
Bag: Skunk Funk from Betsy
Shoes: F21
Velvet Underground Tee (Snipped by me): Virgin Record Store
Romper: aa
Locket: Ocean Lockets by Hannah Claire Wood

Day Two Of Scarf Scandal

Red "blood Cell" scarf: Mom's
Belt:Pac Sun, ages ago when I was a skater
Sunglasses: random
bag: on sale at UO around two years ago
Wedges: Bp, Nordstrom
Dress: Heritage 1981

fashion inspiration for "bow scarf":

Why not join me in my ten-day scarf scandal? What kinda looks can you come up with?


Laalie Pink said...

what about doorags??? LOL

MJ said...

Oh, Those are acceptable on the condition that they be layered over tight rows. Oh and I need to phone you dear, it is pressing concerning your mailing address which I had once but have misplaced...