20 July 2008

El Scorcho!!

Readers, it is so warm that I spent half the day sleeping and the other half neatening up my room in the AC. Tonight I am seeing Mama Mia! with my Mom and Dad, even though it didn't do so well review-wise. I never listen to those critics anyway, just like I don't listen to people who say I dress crazy in real life. Here is Days 6 and 7 of my syndrome. Day 6 was more subtle than the outrageous look on Friday, mostly because I spent the day swimming in the pool and frolicking about with my little nephews. Today, the heat is unspeakable, so I'm dressed for the warmth!

Day 6


romper: aa (I love this thing!)
Scarf: random, looks like Lilia's (worn as headband today!)
Shoes: F21
Socks: Target(my sister is anal about indoor footwear)


Day 7


Dress: Super Lucky Cat, Nordstrom
Shoes: BCBG
Headscarf: Random
Necklace: Mom


PS: JUST got home from Mama Mia! and I loved it! I am probably seeing it again with Lilia, very soon! Abba is AWESOME

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