03 August 2008

Sorry about such delayed postings!!

Ok, so now I have an actually JOB, which despite being part-time, has taken precedence over my initial summer position of being an illustrious personal fashion blogger. I really like work, it meshes well with my being a fashion blogger. I think my job can actually enhance both my wardrobe and my style. This was my first weekend at work, I scored free Burberry Ballet slippers in the most delicious little pouch that need some minor repair...( they were really $10, but since sales went so well that night, everyone earned a $10 bonus, which I applied to the slippers!), but on the downside I also accrued an awful summer cold, possibly from my interaction with Sebastian, my little nephew this week, or contamination by BF Bill. Lilia and I went to the beach today so I could benefit from free doses of Vit. C from the sunshine! As I now have a job and in less than a month I start school, I will try to maintain the kooky edge a lot of my lazy-day outfits have, but will keep it somewhat practical. I can't wait for fall, my crazy tights, a reunion with my cozy Marc Jacobs coat that I still adore, and further great finds at work! I sincerely hope a certain pair of tan kitten heels expressly in my 7.5 size were purchased today, on my day off. I fear that if I see them tomorrow, this could be the beginning of a deliciously dangerous, wardrobe-widening, wallet-worn relationship with work!

My First Day!


Dress: Cohoe's
Blazer: H&M
Shoes: F21
Bag: UO

2nd Day...


Dress: Nordstrom
Locket: Hanna Claire Wood
Shoes: Nine West
Cardi: Nordstrom
Bag: Skunk Funk


a blurred close-up of the print(?)


P.S.: I made PMG business cards!!!


Anonymous said...

Summer colds are the badest- take Musinex and call me in the morning!


MJ said...

gee, I think it's "worst" and not "badest", also, Mucinex? lastly... I live with you, so I do not need to call you...?